2K was written by Author X
and has no credit for illustrations. It is published by Author X.
this is an unofficial mini-setting for DCC
RPG games, wherein Donald Trump
not only won the election in 2016, but in which there will never be another
American election again, Canada has been nuked (for some unknown reason), and
Mexico has united with a South American alliance to declare war on the United
States under the God Emperor Trump. Players are part of the Resistance, with
classes such as the Abortionist, Anon (members of a terrorist hacktivist
collective), Embezzler, Euro (mystical European immigrant who has overstayed
their visa), Grunt (illegal immigrant worker), Punk, or Thug.
For reasons
which should be obvious, this is not an officially licensed DCC product. Author X’s sociopolitical views are the basis of this product, but
whether this is a good thing or a bad thing must be determined by the
individual reader.
So long as
you don't take yourself too seriously, you might find some useful gaming
material here. At the same time, it is impossible to describe this product
adequately without some political discussion creeping in.
2K was written in the months prior to the 2016 election, and the author
hoped that it would have a “short shelf-life” because the political situation would
change. There is satirical criticism of Republicans (in general and
individually), the Green Party, the continued militarization of American law
enforcement, far Right media figures, and so on. There is no mention of the
corporate-leaning Democrats, the Sanders campaign, or the rigging of the 2016
primaries that was exposed by Julian
Assange and WikiLeaks. Russia doesn’t come up, and one imagines that is
largely because RussiaGate wasn’t a thing at the time.
2K offers a glimpse into a future (and present) which is far more dystopian
than our current reality, but which echoes the fears and experiences of real
people. It could be used as the backdrop of a Cyber Sprawl
Classics or DCC XCrawl
campaign. It could be treated as an alternate plane of existence that our
normal PCs somehow find themselves within (illegally, no doubt). It is also surprisingly robust as a setting
for messed-up one shot adventures. I could easily see a luchador from the 2015
Gong Farmer’s Almanac Vol 1 crossing the Great Wall of Trump on
behalf of the UniĆ³n de Naciones Suramericanas.
potential scenario would see a patron send the party into the world of
Trumphammer 2K to recover some item needed…or perhaps some portion of spell
knowledge needed by the party wizard can only be found among the glowing
radioactive ruins of Canada? Mutant
Crawl Classics might offer several ideas here, as might the various
While I am
willing to talk politics with almost anyone, please, please, please keep politics out of the comments section here as much
as possible. Thank you. Consider this request as part of my projected Zone of
Equality, 50’ Radius.
It is the year 2100…
and God-Emperor Trump is the undisputed
ruler of the USA. Elected in the election of 2016, he ascended, consolidating
the financial, military-industrial and religious complexes into a single force
that has forever changed the face of this nation, for the better…
At least that’s what the Talking Heads would
have you believe. You’re one of the few that knows the truth, that sticks their
neck out to ensure that your children can live in a better world, a world free
of Trump’s Tyranny.
There is no peace in this nation, only an
eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of a mad god…
Will you submit, or will you fight?
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