Monday 24 April 2017

Goodman Games Gen Con 2016 Program Book

The Goodman Games Gen Con 2016 Program Book is described on RPG Now as being written and illustrated by Goodman Games, and is published by Goodman Games as well. Apart from specific adventures or articles, and self-reporting (bios, author notes, etc.), I didn't see any other attribution.

Disclosure: I was one of the authors of Death by Nexus.

At over 150 pages for what is ostensibly a convention guide, Joseph Goodman continues his policy of giving birth to monsters. As with other discussions of "mixed bag" type products, my focus here is going to be on Dungeon Crawl Classics material.

Let's look inside!

Two More New Letters for The Dungeon Alphabet: These expansions, by Michael Curtis, are G is Also for Guardians and H is also for Hazard. These are completely written and laid out with full art, making me suspect that there may be a new, expanded printing of The Dungeon Alphabet somewhere on the horizon.

Forty Years of Metamorphosis Alpha: A Legacy of Innovation: Author Craig Brain discusses the 40th anniversary of Metamorphosis Alpha.

Metamorphosis Alpha: 4 Tables of 40: Tables provided by James M. Ward.

The Way of Serpents: Fiction by Howard Andrew Jones, followed by Dungeon Crawl Classics statistics by Terry Olson.

The Return of the Wild: Michael Curtis offers up Nengal the Wild One, a primordial patron of the Shudder Mountains. Everything but spells is provided. This is a druid-based patron which could be used in many Dungeon Crawl Classics milieus.

1970's Earth Characters for DCC: Deiter Zimmerman provides everything you need to create 0-level PCs from circa 1970's earth. Now you really can adventure like its 1974!

Not in Kansas Anymore: A level 0 adventure by Dieter Zimmerman with Matt Sprengeler, which takes circa 1970's earth PCs to the worlds of Dungeon Crawl Classics. Hero Memories, included in the funnel, are interesting and give new players a sense of higher-level play.

Rat-Snake: A Lankhmar Wagering Game With Dice: It should not be surprising that this is written by Michael Curtis, based off a game mentioned by Fritz Leiber in The Bleak Shore.

The Hand of St. Heveskin: Michael Curtis provides a relic, the hand of a devout priest of the Rat God, suitable for DCC Lankhmar or other Dungeon Crawl Classics milieus.

Fafhrd and Gray Mouser Stories, by Publication Date: Exactly what it says it is.

The Way of the Dagon: Herein you wild alternative spell duel rules by Harley Stroh, based upon an event from Gen Con 2015. "Magic behaves strangely at the whims of Father Dagon."

How to Run a DCC Tournament Funnel: Worth reading if you want to do this. Also, you can listen to this episode of Spellburn. Or read this.

Death by Nexus: This is a level 0 tournament adventure by Jim Wampler, Stephen Newton, Daniel J. Bishop, Jefrey Tadlock, Jon Marr, and Bob Brinkman. I wrote the section called The October Wood. One neat thing about this tournament adventure is that, because the primary opponents are other PCs, the inspired judge could run it for any level PCs with only minor tweaking. Indeed, one could use a single arena as an event in the PCs' lives at any level, where the normal Band is confronted by two NPC groups. This is a great opportunity for guest players, which will have an effect on your regular campaign milieu, but won't leave you trying to explain where the guest PCs went.

Appendix N Inspirations: Discussions of the works from Appendix N that influenced various projects and authors. Included are Peril on the Purple Planet (Harley Stroh), Against the Atomic Overlord (Edgar D. Johnson III), The Chained Coffin (Michael Curtis), The 998th Conclave of Wizards (Jobe Bittman), and Doom of the Savage Kings (Harley Stroh).

An Illustrated Interview With Erol Otus: Including both black & white and color illustrations.

Appendix D: Ythothian Liche Kings: Another expansion of the Purple Planet Author's Edition Glossography by Harley Stroh. Will the Gossography ever be published in full for those of us who couldn't purchase the Author's Edition? Only time will tell.

Forty Years of Judges Guild: A Legacy of Awesome: By Jeff Rients.What the title says it is.

Unknown Gods: Revised and Expanded: Bob Bledsaw, Sr., and Bob Bledsaw, Jr. expand on Unknown Gods, a Judges Guild product written in 1979.

The Gary Con Trivia Contest: Compiled by Joseph Goodman from questions submitted by Bob Bledsaw Jr., Steve Crompton, Joseph Goodman, Allan Grohe, Ernie Gygax, Jon Hersberger, Rick Loomis, Erol Otus, Paul O'Connor, Paul Stormberg, and James M. Ward. Including a Lankhmar Trivia Contest from Gary Con 2015, and a list of the birthdays of various Appendix N authors.

Gen Con 2015 Recap: What is claims to be, with pictures.

Gary Con 2016: Also with pictures.

Roadworthy: Interviews by Brendan LaSalle: Brendan LaSalle interviews judges from the Road Crew, including Asia Pickle, Tom Evans, Cory "DM Cojo" Gahsman, and Sarah Brown.

Goodman Games World Tour 2016: Gen Con event guide.

2015-2016 Mailing Label Art: Because it is cool.

Dear Archmage Abbey: Fun flummery.

Get It Here!

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