Friday 14 May 2021

Tales From the Smoking Wyrm 2020 Cyclops Con Special

Tales From the Smoking Wyrm 2020 Cyclops Con Special was written by Trevor Stamper, John Olszewski, and Brian Gilkison. Art is by Joel Phillips, Carmin Vance, Alex Mayo, Bradley McDevitt, Caitlin Stamper, and Trevor Stamper. The publisher is Blind Visionary Publications.

In-person conventions were cancelled in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Goodman Games responded by creating a series of online conventions, starting with Cyclops Con. This generated a wave of goodwill in the community, and resulted in a number of swag items being created, including the 2020 Cyclops Con Special of Tales From the Smoking Wyrm.

This special reprints The Silver Ball and Telepathic Rats Expanded from Issue #1, as well as What is the Smoking Wyrm? The material is excellent, and if this gets you to pick up the actual issue, all the more power to you and Blind Visionary Publications both. At the time of this writing, the pdf is available for free, but I have no idea how long that will last.

Tales from the Smoking Wyrm is a fanzine inspired not just by the roleplaying game Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC), but also by the wondrous fanzines of the past 40 years! While we focus on DCC, the material produced can be easily translated into any Old School Renaissance (OSR) system.

Get It Here!

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