Thursday 22 March 2018

The Drain Chamber 2

The Drain Chamber 2: Doug Kovacs Sketchbook 2017 was written and illustrated by Doug Kovacs, with additional writing by Harley Stroh and Wayne Snyder. The publisher is

Disclosure: Only 100 of these were printed, and I have #27 because Doug Kovacs kindly held it for me to purchase at Gary Con X.

As with the first Drain Chamber, this is primarily a vehicle to celebrate the wonderful art of Doug Kovacs. Also, as with the first Drain Chamber, I am going to focus on the content for Dungeon Crawl Classics. Despite this, anyone who is not inspired by looking at Doug Kovacs' art has no soul. Even the life drawings this man does make my creativity sing. The Green Man/Faerie art (reminiscent of Alan Lee's work) is amazing.

The directly gameable content is The City of Punjar: The Bazaar of the Gods by Harley Stroh and !!Warlands!! by Wayne Snyder. The first of these offers tables to use "when an exiled cleric is in search of absolution, the party is desperate to remove a hex or curse, or the judge simply decides to challenge the indifference of his godless characters". The second is two tables for a Dungeon Crawl Classics setting: Ancient Warlands Sauroid Slave Camp Over Heard Rumors and Doom Vaults Random Terrain Features. A note in one of the illustrations says "Look for Warlands in the Hobonomicon". Gaming content totals 4 pages out of 24 (plus covers).

This book includes gorgeous sketches, and some inks, from various Dungeon Crawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics products, as well as work done for other products and for no product at all. There is a two-page spread of art created for Inferno Road.

The Drain Chamber 2 was a limited run product. If you were unable to get one during that run, I cannot tell you where to get one now. Pay attention to ebay, I guess, and pay attention to so that you don't miss The Drain Chamber 3.

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