Tuesday 8 May 2018

Sanctum Secorum Episode #14 Companion: The Jewels of Gwahlur

The Sanctum Secorum Episode #14 Companion: The Jewels of Gwahlur was written by David Baity and Bob Brinkman. Art is by DW Miller, Karbo, MuscleLicker, Paolo Pantalena, Thomas Darnet, and Victor Layne. The publisher is Sanctum Media. This product is produced in association with the Sanctum Secorum podcast.

This Episode Companion is based on Sanctum Secorum Episode 14: The Jewels of Gwahlur, which discussed the short story by Robert E. Howard. The featured adventure was The Imperishable Sorceress by Daniel J. Bishop.

Disclosure: I wrote the featured adventure.

The gems in Area 13a in Stars in the Darkness are an intentional nod to the Teeth of Gwahlur. I suspect that the Teeth of Dahlver-Nar in the original Dungeon Master's Guide, although actual teeth, were also a nod to this story.

Within you will find:

Character Classes

Cimmerian Barbarian: This version of the Barbarian class was provided by Bob Brinkman. This one is based off the depiction of Conan from his original writer, Robert E. Howard.

For other takes on the Barbarian, see Sanctum Secorum Episode #12 Companion: Kothar: Barbarian Swordsman or D.A.M.N. Magazine #1 - Winter 2017.

Featured Adventure

Palace of Alkmeenon: This is a 2nd level adventure based on  The Jewels of Gwahlur, written by David Baity. Cartography is also by David Baity. The adventure takes place shortly after the events of the Conan story...with the PCs returning to the Palace of Alkmeenon to seek the jewels Conan lost.

This adventure includes statistics for: Bit-Yakin, the Blood Toad Swarm, the Ghost Light (by Bob Brinkman), Gray Demons, the Jungle Harpy, and Temple Wrack. If you require stats for Conan himself, you can find him here.

As with previous Companions, this volume can help the discerning Dungeon Crawl Classics judge determine how to stat up creatures from whatever movie or literature she likes.

It's free!

Get It Here!

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